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  • 推荐Maroon5最好听的10首歌
  • 有哪些很经典很嗨的英文歌
  • 一首女声英文歌everybody heard some day
  • m开头的英文歌有些什么
  • 魔力红memories有人能翻译谐音吗
  • memories+chillrelax歌词翻译
  • 求Adam levine-《lost stars》歌词




1、《Teddy Thompson - I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye》


离别总是伴随着刻骨铭心的痛,但愿能谈一场永不分手的恋爱。只愿珍惜眼前人,热烈的爱,勇敢的痛,对爱说 :I don’t want to say goodbye!”

2、《Don Williams - Crying in the Rain》

如果你是节奏控,你一定会为这首歌点上小红心,大叔嗓音醇厚,给人以温暖柔和的感受,像伴着陈年老酒,诉说着美国西部的故事。总是在伪装自己,那支离破碎的内心,独自逞强,逃避真情,让我们在大叔的歌声里have a drink。

3、《Tiffany Giardina - Eternal Flame》


一首女声英文歌everybody heard some day

应该是艾薇儿的 Everybody Hurts试听http://www.songtaste.com/song/2342251/




魔力红memories有人能翻译谐音是 homophonic ; homonymic ; partials ; harmonic tone


ChillRelax是一位歌手而不是一首歌,而《memories》是Maroon 5演唱的一首歌曲,《memories》的歌词中英文翻译如下:

Here’s to the ones that we got举杯致我们远道而来的贵客Cheers to the wish you were here but you’re not举杯致意 愿你与我们同在 即便事与愿违Cause the drinks bring back all the memories因为佳酿唤醒尘封的回忆Of everything we’ve been through相伴偕行的岁月重新浮现

Toast to the ones here today举杯致今日欢聚一堂的亲朋Toast to the ones that we lost on the way举杯致已经分道扬镳的挚友Cause the drinks bring back all the memories因为佳酿唤醒尘封的回忆And the memories bring back而回忆让我想起往昔Memories bring back you回忆让我想起你There’s a time that I remember when I did not know no pain曾经的我不知何为苦难When I believed in forever曾经的我对永恒深信不疑And everything would stay the same憧憬身边一切始终如初Now my heart feel like December此刻我心正禁受凛冬寒意When somebody say your name每当有人将你提起Cause I can’t reach out to call you but I know I will one day因为我无法唤回你 但终有一日我会找到你HeyEverybody hurts sometimes everybody hurts someday人生在世难免受伤 某时或某日Eh ehEverything gon’ be alright go on raise a glass and say一切会渐入正轨 让我们举杯齐声说EhHere’s to the ones that we got致我们远道而来的贵客Cheers to the wish you were here but you’re not举杯致意 愿你与我们同在 即便事与愿违Cause the drinks bring back all the memories因为佳酿唤醒尘封的回忆Of everything we’ve been through相伴偕行的岁月重新浮现Toast to the ones here today举杯致今日欢聚一堂的亲朋Toast to the ones that we lost on the way举杯致已经分道扬镳的挚友Cause the drinks bring back all the memories因为佳酿唤醒尘封的回忆And the memories bring back而回忆让我想起往昔Memories bring back you回忆让我想起你Doo do do do do doDoo do do do do do doDoo do do do do doMemories bring back回忆让我想起往昔Memories bring back you回忆让我想起你There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost也曾迷惘无助 那段日子依然铭刻在心When I felt that all the hatred was too powerful to stop怨怼排山倒海袭来 让人寸步难行Now my heart feel like an ember我心如焚And it’s lighting up the dark心间余烬却点亮黑暗I’ll carry these torches for ya我愿为你高举火炬前行That you know I’ll never drop永不相弃YeahEverybody hurts sometimes everybody hurts someday人生在世难免受伤 某时或某日Eh ehEverything gon’ be alright go on raise a glass and say一切会渐入正轨 让我们举杯齐声说EhHere’s to the ones that we got致我们远道而来的贵客Cheers to the wish you were here but you’re not愿你与我们同在 即便事与愿违Cause the drinks bring back all the memories因为佳酿唤醒尘封的回忆Of everything we’ve been through相伴偕行的岁月重新浮现Toast to the ones here today举杯致今日欢聚一堂的亲朋Toast to the ones that we lost on the way举杯致已经分道扬镳的挚友Cause the drinks bring back all the memories因为佳酿唤醒尘封的回忆And the memories bring back而回忆让我想起往昔Memories bring back you回忆让我想起你Doo do do do do doDoo do do do do do doDoo do do do do doMemories bring back回忆使我追溯往昔Memories bring back you而你久居回忆里Doo do do do do doDoo do do do do do doDoo do do do do doMemories bring back回忆使我追溯往昔Memories bring back you而你久居回忆里Yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeahMemories bring back回忆使我追溯往昔Memories bring back you而你久居回忆里


摇滚乐队Maroon 5(魔力红)出道以来有多首火遍全球的人气作品。最近他们又推出了新单曲《Memories》,一改往日摇滚风格,深情款款地唱出那些年的回忆。歌曲的前奏有一种卡农的感觉,轻快又温暖。主唱亚当说,这首歌写给所有经历过失落的人,同时也是写给所有人。

求Adam levine-《lost stars》歌词

《lost stars》

Please don’t see

Just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies

Please see me

Reaching out for someone I can’t see

Take my hand, let’s see where we wake up tomorrow

Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand

I’ll be damned, Cupid’s demanding back his arrow

So let’s get drunk on our tears

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young

It’s hunting season and the lambs are on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?

Who are we?

Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?

Woe is me

If we’re not careful turns into reality

But don’t you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow

Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer

Turn the page, maybe we’ll find a brand new ending

Where we’re dancing in our tears

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young

It’s hunting season and the lambs are on the run

We’re searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?

And I thought I saw you out there crying

And I thought I heard you call my name

And I thought I heard you out there crying

But just the same

And God, give us the reason youth is wasted on the young

It’s hunting season and this lamb is on the run

Searching for meaning

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?

And I thought I saw you out there crying

And I thought I heard you call my name

And I thought I heard you out there crying

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?

Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?


《Lost stars》描述了一个迷失在黑夜中的男孩,期盼有人能呼唤自己的名字,叫醒自己沉睡的心 。在歌曲舒缓的旋律中,歌手亚当·莱文用自己极具穿透力的嗓音,饱含深情地唱出了都市人对于前景不明的爱情“虽然如同浩瀚星空中迷失的星星,但仍然努力寻找着存在的意义,试图将黑暗照亮”的心声。

该曲作为电影《再次出发之纽约遇见你》的主题曲,被收录在该电影的原声专辑《Begin Again》中 ,后被收录到亚当·莱文所属乐队魔力红于2014年8月发行的录音室专辑《V》中。

亚当·莱文(Adam Levine),1979年3月18日出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,男歌手,吉他手、词曲作家和演员。美国新灵魂摇滚乐队Maroon 5的主唱。2015年6月26日,主演电影《歌曲改变人生》在中国大陆上映,为该电影创作的主题曲《Lost Stars》获第87届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖提名。

参考资料:百度百科——Lost Stars


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